Modern Mindful Therapy
Specialising in treatments for anxiety problems, depression,
self-esteem, perfectionism, trauma and anger
by Elliot Rose
Do you have unrelenting high standards and become upset if you don’t meet them?
When you achieve your goals is the sense of reward minimal or fleeting?
We all like to do a good job, but what turns a desire to do our best into a clinical problem?
Perfectionism is when we adhere to an extremely rigid self-imposed standard. Failure may not be perceived by others while the perfectionist may silently be punishing themselves with severely negative and unhelpful thoughts. Perceived failure can leave a person with perfectionism exhausted with worry, stressed over their failures and full of despair as they’re self worth, which hinges on doing everything right, is shattered and broken. Often perfectionists believe that self-punishment is essential for success. Research has shown that perfectionists are more likely to suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression.
How I can help you with Perfectionism
Luckily, perfectionism has some advantages, it gives you great resources and resilience for therapy. Together we can learn how to manage your personal expectations that may fuel your anxiety and teach you skills to help you identify and manage your unhelpful thoughts and behavioural patterns that can lead to distress. Finally, I will help you to develop new boundaries to protect you from others who may take advantage of your weakness to go the extra mile. Simply learning to say “No!” in an friendly and compassionate way can feel like the greatest power of all.
I can help you reduce the pressure
Want to Get in Touch?
Elliot Rose Therapy
Elliot Rose is a psychotherapist who uses a number of different therapeutic approaches to help people feel better and become the best that they can be. Elliot has spent many years helping people through the NHS and now teaches psychotherapy full-time at the Buckinghamshire New University.
Elliot currently provides BABCP Accredited training for students heading towards independent practice in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Elliot also provides supervision and welcomes enquiries from existing therapists to help them with their practice.
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