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Modern Mindful Therapy

Specialising in treatments for anxiety problems, depression,

self-esteem, perfectionism, trauma and anger

by Elliot Rose

Chronic Worry

Do you continually worry events in your life?

Our brains are designed to problem solve. We worry because our mind tries to prepare us for future events and problem solve those situations. Excessive worry can make you feel uncomfortable and impact your concentration, sleep, memory and confidence. Excessive worry can keep you on edge, prevent you from being able to relax, make you indecisive and prone to think worst-case about life.

Chronic worriers may get relief from one issue then another one pops up like a weed. This pattern of worry may indicate Generalised Anxiety Disorder (also known as GAD). It sounds terrible, but all it means is that your brain has been trained (through life experiences) to process the world in this way. It’s just a programmed pattern of thinking. There is a lot of clinical evidence to prove that it can be re-programmed very effectively and I am very that I can help you overcome this problem.

How I can help you with Generalised Anxiety
I will teach you how to let go of worry and teach you techniques to help you to challenge unrealistic fears for yourself. You will learn how to tolerate the unknown and make decisions easier. I can also to help improve your concentration and quieten your mind. Most importantly, you will learn how to understand the underlying causes and triggers leading to your anxiety so that you know how to recognise them and prevent them from returning in the future.

Social Anxiety

Do you become anxious interacting with others?
Do group, or one-to-one, interactions cause you stress?

Worry (people sometimes call this anxiety) about interacting with other people can cause us to avoid social situations. Sometimes we may not avoid social situations, but act in a quiet or reserved manner when we are in these situations instead, perhaps we recognise (or say to ourselves) that we’re not being our “true” self around others. This could be because we fear being judged negatively in some way, or others may see us in a poor light, such as seeing us blush, stuttering, appearing stupid or looking anxious.

Social anxiety can greatly interfere with work as well as social settings. At work, social anxiety can impact meetings, presentations or relationships with colleagues.

How I can help you with Social Anxiety
I will help you learn how to become less preoccupied with other people's perceptions of you by learning how to process your thoughts about yourself and others completely differently. I will teach you skills that will help soothe you when interacting with others or presenting/meeting with larger groups of people . You will learn how to not only survive social situations, but excel in them.  Even situations that you might typically avoid. I will teach you techniques to reduce and challenge your thoughts and worries about negative social events and you will learn how to appropriately express yourself in any situation.  If you think social anxiety is holding your career back, I will help you get it back on track!

Intrusive Thoughts & Obsessions

Do you have unpleasant, unwanted thoughts?

Sometimes it can feel as if we are not in control of our thoughts. These thoughts can intrude in any situation and might be quite distressing. You’re not hearing voices, but these thoughts may speak against your character and maybe lead you to doubt your own sanity or moral standing. For example, the content of the thoughts may be aggressive, revolve around sexual identity or fears about losing control.

If you’ve found these thoughts distressing you may have noticed an increase your anxiety levels and maybe some panic attacks because they conflict with how you see yourself or make you feel like a bad person. This is not the case, these are symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Often people are so distressed they perform behaviours or mental rituals, such as counting or praying, to counter-act these unpleasant thoughts.  The counter-action works for a while but the problem keeps coming back and eventually gets worse, spreading to other areas of your life.  For some people, this cycle of thoughts and behaviours has been going on for so long, they can't even remember when it started.  It doesn't matter how long you've had OCD or how severe you think it is, I can help ease your distress.

How I can help you with Unpleasant Thoughts
I will help you to understand yourself and the OCD more clearly.  I will teach you the neuro-psychological causes of your obsessions and help you to recognise and control the factors that make them worse. You will learn practical techniques to reduce the intensity and duration of unwanted thoughts and find your true inner voice. Anxiety associated with your unwanted thoughts will reduce because you will learn coping skills to manage the anxiety in a more helpful way. 

Panic Attacks

Have you felt afraid and overwhelmed by intense periods of anxiety?

Do you fear them returning?

Intense periods of anxiety (clinically referred to as panic attacks) feel really scary and beyond our control. During a panic attack, you may struggle to breathe, experience heart palpitations, shaking, hot flushes and sweating. Some people report feeling as if they are going to faint, die or go mad.

People often confuse the very real physical symptoms of a panic attack with a heart attack and it may lead them to believe that something is medically wrong with them and cause them to call for an ambulance. Because the experience is so scary and unpleasant, people might fear future panic episodes. Sometimes people devote a lot of time to monitoring themselves or avoiding places that they fear might trigger another attack, unfortunately this can perpetuate your fear about panic (we call this anticipatory anxiety).

How I can help you with Panic Attacks
I will help you completely understand what your brain is doing so you can feel in control again.  I will teach you how to manage the panic attacks, not just with “techniques” but how to completely alter the way you think and feel about them so that they never return. We will build concrete cognitive skills to help you manage anticipatory anxiety, as well as reprogram how you respond to your identified panic attack triggers.  By the end of treatment you will not have any more panic attacks.

I can help you control your anxiety
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    Elliot Rose Therapy

    Elliot Rose is a psychotherapist who uses a number of different therapeutic approaches to help people feel better and become the best that they can be. Elliot has spent many years helping people through the NHS and now teaches psychotherapy full-time at the Buckinghamshire New University.
    Elliot currently provides BABCP Accredited training for students heading towards  independent practice in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  Elliot also provides supervision and welcomes enquiries from existing therapists to help them with their practice.

    Copyright 2018, Elliot Rose Therapy   -   Disclaimer
